Spectacular site, both for snorkeling and diving. On the incoming current, the water clarity is exceptional. Sharks are everywhere, literally 100's, all around. We saw black tips, white tips, and grays, others saw lemons. Incredible variety of species of reef fish, very accessible to snorkelers. Lots of Napoleon wrasses, groupers, parrot fish, triggers, and pretty much every other specie found in French Polynesian waters. We dove and snorkeled for about 10 days, never got bored, saw new things every dive. Dives for best sharks were between 80 and 100', while the snorkeling was very shallow, most in only 15-20'.
Facts about Fakarava South Pass, Tuamotus
It is in French Polynesia- Fakarava South Pass, Tuamotus is in the Pacific.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.

Adam KernerWonderful dive in Fakarava lagoon, south pass in the Tuamotus. White tips, black tips and gray sharks everywhere, literally 100's, all around. We did 2 dives and 9 snorkel runs on incoming tides over a 10 day period, and never got tired of it!

Guillaume Funfrockgray reef shark

Guillaume Funfrockbatfish in the sky / A batfish between my fisheye lens and the surface.

Hannes KlostermannThe End?...

Hannes KlostermannBlacktip reef sharks patrolling the shallow areas of a reef in French Polynesia.