A simple to and fro wall dive, from point to point on the wall. Nice clumps of Anemones and Solitary Hard Corals. Sea Temp 19c (Jan 2008)
For photos
website Marine life observed: Nudibranchs ( Morose Tambja, Variable Nudibranch), Banded Triplefin, Common Anemone, Solitary Hard Coral, Leatherjackets, Urchins and Crested Blenny.
Facts about Middle Channel, Poor Knights- It is in New Zealand
- Middle Channel, Poor Knights is in the Pacific.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Brian MayesCommon Anemone (Actinothoe albocincta)<><><><>Canon G9, "Middle Channel", Poor Knights
Brian MayesCrested Blenny (Parablennius lacticlavius)<><><><>Canon G9, Inon UCL-165, Poor Knights, NZ