Latest Contest entries
Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Wadi Lahmi

Underwater Photo Location: Wadi Lahmi

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
A very beautifull dive site with lots of different fishes and very colorfull corals.
Facts about Wadi Lahmi
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Dejan Sarman
Rusty parrotfish, 105 mm / Wadi Lahmi

by Claus Larsen
Diver over coral tree Nikon d70s in Sealux housing Sigma 10-20 mm shot at 10 mm.

by Claus Larsen
Diver in siluett

by Michel Lonfat
The eye of a Lezard Fish... :O)

by Michel Lonfat
The magic of the Red Sea :O)....

by Michel Lonfat
Hey.... What's up ? :O) ....

by Michel Lonfat
Do you like my house ???? :O) ......

by Michel Lonfat
The Eye... :O) ....

by Michel Lonfat
Let's start diving ... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
Wreck Diving in the Red-Sea - Egypt... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
An Orange Butterflyfish taken in the waters of the Red-Sea... in Egypt... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
A crack in the Wall... My wife entering a cave in the Red Sea ... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
Jelly Fish - and in the back-ground, my wife.... Like we say in French : Que du bonheur... :O ...

by Michel Lonfat
A little Red Fish in the Red Sea ... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
A Butterfly Fish ...:O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The beautiful Eye of a Parrot Fish... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
My wife at the entry of a cave in the Red Sea... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Small Damsel fish on Coral. In the beautiful waters of the Red Sea... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Surprising colors... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
He doesn't look very happy.... I really like his expression.... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
A very nice Wreck in the Red Sea... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The face of a Yellow Butterfly Fish... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The look of a Priacanthe de Bloch... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
"Hello : it's meeeeeeeeeee.... " ... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Little Damsel Fish looking at the Christmas Tree... :O)... Que du bonheur.. :O)...

by Bea & Stef Primatesta
Giant clam. Canon G9.

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with a little Damsel Fish... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Sylvain Kuster
Oeufs de danseuse espagnole...

by Sylvain Kuster
Baby Amphiprion face to face with shrimp....Shooted in Wadi Lahami...

by Sylvain Kuster
Carangue après un détartrage...LOL

by Sylvain Kuster
Gobie on the place...

by Sylvain Kuster
Baby amphiprion malheureusement un peu flouuu...

by Sylvain Kuster
Little crecre on anemone...clic-clic

by Sylvain Kuster
What's up... 2 big brothers no happy to see me...

by Sylvain Kuster
Poisson faucon dans un corail noir....

by Michel Lonfat
Little Yellow Damsel Fish... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Little Damsel Fish Swimming... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Sylvain Kuster

by Michel Lonfat
Grouper coming out of it's hide out... que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Red on Black... Beautiful Encounter... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Beautiful Wreck in the Red Sea... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
"Hello.......... it's me.... :O)" Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Little Goby on a Red Sponge in the beautiful waters of the red Sea... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Time for a chat... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Little brown Goby on a Wip Coral... Encounter in the Red Sea - Egypt... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
"Hummmmmm.... who's behind the camera... ????" - beautiful encounter in the Red Sea... As always : Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Sylvain Kuster
Two brother divers...

by Fred Panza
2 gobies on a whip coral. Very first shot of the vacation!!

by Sylvain Kuster
Ghost Carrrangues

by Stephan Attwood
Turtle on Turtle reef - funny old thing that :-) !!!!

by Wijnand Plekker
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