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Gorgonian dwarf goby  Bryaninops amplus  on a shining sea pen  Pennatula phosphorea    Alam Batu  Bali  Indonesia
By Reinhard Arndt
posted 15:42 CST Today (3 hours ago)
Aeolid Nudibranch   Flabellina affinis with some parasites on it
By Stefanos Michael
posted Yesterday
Nembrotha lineolata
By Magali Marquez
posted (2 days ago)
Weedy Seadragon
By Sofia Tenggrono
posted (3 days ago)
Blue ringed octopus
By Magali Marquez
posted (5 days ago)
This Russian T34 tank was created as a diving attraction to relieve pressure on the surrounding dive sites. In addition  the tank in the picture can no longer cause any damage or suffering  but it is a great photo opportunity.
By Martin Schrack
posted (5 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Sudanese reefs

Underwater Photo Location: Sudanese reefs

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The coral reef surrounding the site of the famous British built lighthouse at Sanganeb has everything a diver could wish for. Rising from depths of 800m, the drop-offs boast caves and gullies, and one of the richest displays of soft coral in the Red Sea. Guests will spot an abundance of species in just 20m of water. In the depths, graceful Hammerheads sweep back and forth waiting for a photo opportunity.
Prone to strong currents, this dive begins at the top of a coral formation and gradually drops to 20m, where you encounter three routes all falling away to 700m. Most species endemic to the Red Sea can be found here, including large numbers of Barracuda and sharks that are not afraid to pose for camera. Night dives are held in an enclosed lagoon.
The best diving is in the summer. It is recommended to bring mosquito repellent and wear longer clothing in the evenings during the cooler months of the year. There can be mosquitoes and occasionally malaria is found in the area though a much less severe form than that found in countries further south such as Kenya. If you are on a liveaboard you will only find mosquitoes while in the port on the day of arrival and departure and then only in the evenings.
The people are generally very friendly and helpful and do not hassle foreigners. Other countries in the area are renowned for people touting for business, begging or generally hassling visitors but the Sudanese people are polite and reserved. Sudan has many ancient temples and monuments as well as pyramids. If you are interested in visiting these sights you should organize an excursion from Khartoum.

Facts about Sudanese reefs
  • It is in Sudan
  • Sudanese reefs is in the Red Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.

by Steve Laycock
Niall inspects the Toyota, a little concerned that the corrosion warranty has expired -though the chrome is holding up well. Wreck of the Blue Bell, Sudan. Taken wih Olympus E330

by Steve Laycock
Hawksbill turtle

by Steve Laycock
Tuna in the blue - where they look so much better than on a plate

by Oscar Miralpeix
coral grouper

by Oscar Miralpeix
Goby "yellow"

by Oscar Miralpeix
Oxymonacanthus longirostris

by Oscar Miralpeix
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