The Mexico Beach Artifcial Reef Association has deployed over 150 artificial reefs of the coast of Florida. Sites consist of reef balls, concrete rubble, barges, tug boats, shrimp boats, and other materials of opportunity. For more info, and reef locations, visit
website Facts about Mexico Beach, Floridaby
Carol CoxAmberjacks
Carol CoxThis tiny shrimp is only about 1/2 cm long. I found it when photographing a pair of West Indian Simnia cowries. It was in 60 feet of water, 6 miles off the coast of Mexico Beach, Florida, in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Carol CoxSawtooth Arrow Shrimp (Tozeuma serratum). I collected one and sent it to a marine biologist for identification. She said I may have the first live photos of this species. You don't have to go to exotic locations to capture something new!
Carol CoxTozeuma serratum, Sawblade Arrow Shrimp