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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
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Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
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Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
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Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
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Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
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Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (This month)

Underwater Photo Location: Waktobi

Underwater Photo Location: Waktobi

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Facts about Waktobi

by Reidar Opem

by Simon Mittag
Variegated Lizardfish

by Marchione Giacomo
Soft pink Nikon D200, 60 micro nikon,twin strobo Wakatobi 2010

by Marchione Giacomo
Tiny clownfish Nikon D200 , 60 macro, twin strobo Wakatobi 2010

by Marchione Giacomo
Hop nudy Nikon D200, 60 micro,twin strobo Wakatobi 2010

by Marchione Giacomo
Together. Clown fishes Wakatobi 2010 Nokon D200, 60 micro ,twin strobo

by Afflitti Gianluca blue

by Peter Foulds
Hawkfish shot with Canon G12

by Afflitti Gianluca
white nudibranchia

by Peter Foulds
Character/Creature for Lucas Film "Underwater Star Wars" Shot Canon G12

by Peter Foulds
No clambakes allowed! Spectacular Healthy Reef. Canon G 12

by Afflitti Gianluca
the beginnings of life

by Afflitti Gianluca
saron sp.

by Martin Ferak
Just playing with a camera at the end of a dive :)

by Martin Ferak
Vertical swimmers

by Martin Ferak

by Martin Ferak
Drunk scorpionfish :)

by Martin Ferak
Probably a pot smoker designed this tiny fish. Nature is beautiful indeed.

by Marco Fierli
crossing path

by James Deverich
These batfish followed me for about 30minutes today. They numbered 50+ were curious and playful, following me, swooping close to the camera and maneuvering near my fins. Made the dive so much fun. Location: Wakatobi Dive Site: Teluk Waitii

by James Deverich
Crab "O" flage Life growing on rope, this was one of many critters found today (16-Oct-2013)clinging to a piece of rope.

by Marchione Giacomo
Signatidae Nikon d200 , 60 micro, two strobo

by Nonna Pokras
Parking (G11)

by James Deverich
Puffer's eye

by Steven Miller
Scorpionfish let you get very close to focus- here about two inches from the dome. Red always surprises me when I see the preview- this fish was about 10 inches long.

by Ellen Rierson
"All Smiles" Canon T2i/100mm macro; f/22; 1/125; ISO100

by Ellen Rierson
Cuttlefish on Wakatobi Reef - Canon T2i in Nauticam; Zen mini-dome; f/8, 1/180; Tokina 10-17mm @17; dual Sea & Sea YS-D1 strobes

by John Parker
Coral Shrimp Wakatobi

by John Loving
shy guy

by Bill Mcdavid
Shy and fragile.

by Marteyne Van Well
Seascape against the clouds

by Pierre Mineau
Colours of crinoids. There are probably more than 500 recognised species of these intriguing echinoderms.

by Pierre Mineau
A very inquisitive little fellow.

by Pierre Mineau
Cleaner shrimp waiting for its next customer

by Pauline Walsh Jacobson
Sunset, Wakatobi, Indonesia
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