The diving in Dominica is fantastic, once you finally make it to the island. Dive Dominica was great. The dive masters are very familuar with the different dive sites. This site, Pointe Guignard was an easy dive. I was swimming along taking photos of many marine creatures when I spotted an open white sandy area at about 55 feet depth and something swimming in circles on the sand. As I approached, I saw that it was 2 critters swimming around each other. I slowly approached and descended to the bottom and laid flat on my belly on the sand. I inched closer and closer until I was about 4 feet from the fish, 2 flying gurnards. They were oblivious to my approach. I was able to get several photos and was trying to move closer when some other divers moved in and the fish abruptly swam away.
Facts about Roseau Dominica dive site Pointe Guignard
It is in Dominica- Roseau Dominica dive site Pointe Guignard is in the Gulf Of Mexico.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.

Jerri WilbanksThese 2 Flying Gurnards were so enthralled with each other as they swam around in circles, they seemed to not notice my approach. I slowly descended to the sandy bottom and just laid there taking their photo and watching their behavior.

Arun MadisettiDiver entering the cave at Pointe Guignard