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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
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Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
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Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
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Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
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Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
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Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
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Underwater Photo Location: Tobermory, Ontario

Underwater Photo Location: Tobermory, Ontario

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Location of Fathom Five National Marine Park
Facts about Tobermory, Ontario
  • It is in Canada
  • The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by David Gilchrist
Perch Close up on night dive off North Point, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Wall Descent, North Wall, Fathom Five National Marine Park, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Rugged shoreline, North point, Fathom Five National Marine Park, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Niagara Escarpment, Georgian Bay. Aerial shot of the escarpment between Cabot's Head and Tobermory. A world Biosphere reserve, the area is the location of two of Canada's National parks-Bruce Peninsula and Fathom Five National Marine Park

by David Gilchrist
Entering the Grotto, Bruce Peninsula National Park, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Diver examines boiler on the 'Wetmore', Fathom Five National Marine Park, Tobermory

by David Gilchrist
Spikes, Wetmore Wreck, Fathom Five National Marine Park

by David Gilchrist
Young diver examines the windlass of the Schooner 'Sweepstakes, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
With the Limestone cliffs in the background, a wave 'crashes' along the shoreline at Bruce Peninsula National Park near Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Crayfish Closeup, North Wall Night Dive, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Diver Silhouette, Fathom Five National Marine Park, Tobermory, Ontario

by Gary Coulter
Panorama of the 175' James C. King near Tobermory, Ontario. This photo is a result of stitching 14 individual shots together. The visibility on this dive was about 30'. The bow is at 85', the stern at 20' (angle of decline modified in this photo).

by Gary Coulter
Shoreline at Tobermory, Canada after a winter storm

by David Gilchrist
Lingcod or 'Burbot' portrait,* Note the single 'whisker'. North Wall , Fathom Five National Marine Park-Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Crayfish sp. near the wreck of the 'Sweepstakes', Big Tub Harbour, Tobermory, ON Fathom Five National Marine Park. One of my early shots, Nikonis 11, 35mm Hydro Photo lens attached to 35 mm lens, Honeywell Strobe in Hydro photo Housing.

by David Gilchrist
Wheel on Niagara II wreck, Tobermory ,Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Sucker sp.- Portrait. Taken off Northpoint, Tobermory, ON

by David Gilchrist
Peek a boo- Sculpin sp. Off Northpoint, Tobermory, Ontario

by Gary Coulter
Starboard side of the Arabia in Tobermory, Canada. This picture is the result of stitching together 7 wide angle pictures. The 131' Arabia sunk in 1884 at a depth of 105'. Visibility this day was approximately 50'.

by Gary Coulter
Panorama of the 216' Forest City sunk in 1904 at a depth of 150' near Tobermory, Canada. This photo is the result of stitching 7 wide angle shots together. The visibility this day was about 50'. By the way, the water temperature was 41 F.

by David Gilchrist
View of Little Tub harbour, Tobermory, Ontario with several Diving Charter boats at the docks.

by David Gilchrist
A view of the tug 'Alice G.' in Little Tub Harbour, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
The skeletal bow of a tugboat wreck in Little Tub Harbour, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Swimmer jumping into the water at the Grotto site, Georgian Bay, south of Tobermory.

by David Gilchrist
Freediver at the Tug site, Little Tub Harbour, Tobermory Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Freediver at the Tug site, Little Tub Harbour, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Submerged'Classic' Bicycle lying against the port side of the hull of the Niagara II, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Diver swimming along Port side of the Niagara II, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Diver swimming past the stern railing of the steam tug ' Alice G.'

by David Gilchrist
The U/W photographer, Fathom Five National Marine Park

by David Gilchrist
Set of valves, Niagara II, Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
Diver/photographer poses at the engine of the steam tug 'AliceG', Fathom Five National Marine Park

by David Gilchrist
With the bow of the Barque 'Arabia' in the background a diver begins her ascent. Fathom Five National Marine Park, Tobermory, On Canada

by David Gilchrist
U/W Photographer hovers over wreck of the steam tug, 'Alice G', Tobermory, Ontario

by David Gilchrist
All Dressed Up and Ready to Go.....Diving that is! Diver at the North Point, Tobermory, ON

by Oisin Deery
The propeller of the City of Cleveland wreck at 8 meters depth just off Fitzwilliam Island near Tobermory, Canada

by Oisin Deery
Diver on the wreck of The King at 30m (100ft) depth in Tobermory, Canada

by Oisin Deery
Ascent from a 65 meter (215 ft) dive on the Dufferin Wall in Tobermory, Canada

by Oisin Deery
Descending on a 65 meter (215 ft) dive on the Dufferin Wall in Tobermory, Canada
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