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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
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Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
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Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
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Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
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Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
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Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
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Underwater Photo Location: Capt Dons House Reef

Underwater Photo Location: Capt Dons House Reef

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Facts about Capt Dons House Reef

by Gary Ramey
Large Puffer at Buddy Dive

by Mark Westermeier
Yet Another Christmas Tree Worm

by Robert Michaelson
White Frogfish on a sponge at Capt Don's Habitat, Bonaire

by Robert Michaelson
Fortunate to find a spot below a peacock flounder to get this eye-level shot. Sealife DC1000 with single strobe.

by Robert Michaelson
Octopus near Capt Don's Bonaire. Seallife DC1000

by Robert Michaelson
Lettuce "slug" at Capt Don's House Reef

by Robert Michaelson
Hawksbill turtle was feeding and didn't care we were there. When he was done, didn't want anything to do with us and took off very fast.

by Robert Michaelson
Slender File Fish at Capt Don's House Reef, Bonaire

by Robert Michaelson
Noble appearing hawksbill at Capt Don's

by Robert Michaelson
Long lure frogfish just off the dock at Capt Don's, Bonaire

by Herbert Dubois
Night Photo dual strobes

by Robert Michaelson
Frogfish at Capt Don's, Bonaire

by Herbert Dubois
Graysby - Bonaire

by Robert Michaelson
Night shot of a tarpon with a remora

by Robert Michaelson
Night-time reef squid, Bonaire.

by Robert Michaelson
There's always one guy who doesn't get the memo

by Robert Michaelson
Horse-eye Jacks at Capt Don's House reef, Bonaire.

by Jeni Tyrell
Best Friends!

by Robert Michaelson
My, what big teeth you have

by Robert Michaelson
Night time tube anemone. Manipulated the colors quite a bit.

by Robert Michaelson
Reminds me of DeNiro- "You talking to me?"

by Robert Michaelson
At Capt Don's House Reef.

by Robert Michaelson
THe resident grouper at Capt Don's House Reef

by Patricia Sinclair
ON the house reef at Habitat Bonaire I found this beautiful vase sponge.

by Patricia Sinclair
Spirals - the basic form of life. This is un-cropped.

by Patricia Sinclair
Right on the drop off to the lower reef, I found this rope sponge and got Zsuzsunna to pose for me above it with the boat in the background.

by Patricia Sinclair
"Your mind powers will not work on me, boy." Jabba the Hut to Luke Skywalker, Star Wars VI - Return of the Jedi

by Patricia Sinclair
As we entered the water, Zsuzsuanna turned around and the sun-ball behind her was so lovely, I had to take this image.

by Robert Michaelson
Lettuce Nudibranch, Bonaire Can't match the flamboyancy of the Pacific species

by Robert Michaelson
Sailfin Blenny at Capt Don's House Reef

by Robert Michaelson
Juvenile Viper Moray, Bonaire

by Robert Michaelson
Needlefish just below the surface gave a nice rippled reflection

by Patricia Sinclair
"Hopeful" This little one seemed hopeful that a meal would pass by.

by Patricia Sinclair
Gimme Some Sugar Sometimes a animal approaches and you have to take the image, regardless of the setup you have on (in this case, macro.)

by Patricia Sinclair
Pedersen Shrimp on an orange encrusting sponge on the house reef at Captain Don's Habitat. I thought the contrast in colors was beautiful

by Robert Michaelson
This is what you call a deep cleaning

by Robert Michaelson
Peterson shrimp cleaning a sharpnose puffer

by Pauline Jacobson
Lettuce Sea Slug, Elylsia crispata, Bonaire

by Pauline Walsh Jacobson
Dive Boat at Sunset, Bonaire
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