Latest Contest entries
Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Mangrove Bay

Underwater Photo Location: Mangrove Bay

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Sheltered bay with a sloping wall and shallow plateau. Nice sandy seabed with octopus, lionfish, soles and ghost pipefish often seen.
Facts about Mangrove Bay
  • It is in Egypt
  • Mangrove Bay is in the Red Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

by James Dawson
Lionfish shot late in the day Canon G9 and Ikelite strobe

by James Dawson
Moses Sole. Canon G9, Ikelite strobe - f5.6, 1/200, ISO80

by Beate Seiler
Sepia in B/W

by Beate Seiler
My Buddy under the boat

by Beate Seiler
Lionfish at Sunset time

by Beate Seiler
blue-spotted ray

by Beate Seiler
Friendly squid

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler
My Buddy and a Butterfly

by Beate Seiler
Always yummy !

by Beate Seiler
Cleaning time , Lizardfish

by Beate Seiler
Lionfish B/W

by Beate Seiler
So close , scorpionfish

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler
Squit B/W

by Beate Seiler
the face

by Beate Seiler
sunset dive

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler
Octopus in the red sea

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler
Lionfish with my Buddy in the back

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler

by Beate Seiler
Catfish B/W
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