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Underwater Photo Location: Manta Alley

Underwater Photo Location: Manta Alley

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Manta Alley located about Tora Langkoi Bay was described in the briefing as a deep gully that funnels the changing tide at up to 3-4 knots at the top and bottom of the tide, and could still be running at up to 1 knot during our dive at "slack water". A bit of a giveaway from the name of the site, but this signature Komodo dive is the main location in Komodo to find manta rays - often as many as 10 or 20. It's a rock islet that just punctures the sea's surface in a small craggy chain, inside the bay along the south coast of Komodo.

Streamed out on the end of your reef hook, are exposed to the full force of the current, so your valve free-flows as you face into it, your hose vibrates like a guitar string and mask is likely to fill with water whenever turn a head

You'll start your dive to the east of the rocks where another submerged mound rises to just a few metres below the surface. In the lee area between this mound and the rocky islet, where the maximum depth is 15 metres, there are almost always a couple of juvenile mantas playing around.

Another option however, is to drop down the steep eastern slope of the mound to the site's deepest section. Follow the slope of orange soft corals and encrusting invertebrates down to depth where giant trevally, white tip and black tip reef sharks roam in search of food. Make your way round to the north and in the direction of the islet chain, keeping alert for some huge black fantail rays resting on the bottom of the reef's substrate.

Eventually you arrive at a series of 3 underwater channels that run between the islet and its most northerly rocky protrusion. The channels are 18 metres or so deep and quite wide. Often schools of large bumphead parrotfish hang out here and mantas circle this area too.

Once you're through the channels onto the west side of the islet, you'll be out of bottom time and making your way up to 5 metres. Again the shallows here seem to be a favourite jaunt with manta rays. If the rays are not present then watch the surge areas close to the rocks. These are home to some formidably sized fish such as mangrove red snapper, emporers and giant sweetlips. Great barracuda often patrol here too.

Manta Alley is always one of the most frequently requested dives on any Komodo liveaboard, provided that you can handle the chill of these southern waters.

Information from website
Facts about Manta Alley
  • It is in Indonesia
  • Manta Alley is in the Flores Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

by Marco Waagmeester
Unfamiliar (for me) Triplefin during a dive at 'Manta Alley', South-Komodo (Canon G9, Inon D2000w, 2xUCL165)

by Jane Morgan
Mantas feeding in Manta Alley

by Adriano Trapani
MANTA "enlightenment"... my very very happy buddy after seein several reef manta rays...

by Raoul Caprez
Nice encounter !

by John Roach
Nudi @ Komodo

by John Roach
TechniColor. Nembrotha chamberlaini @ Manta Alley, Rinca island. The water flowed strong through here. The coral and colors were stunning.

by John Roach
Easy Chair. Manta alley Komodo.

by Greg Duncan
Black Manta

by Greg Duncan
Manta alley Komodo

by Luke Gordon
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