Underwater Photo Location: BOA-ODAS Italia 1
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. Facts about BOA-ODAS Italia 1 It is in Italy- BOA-ODAS Italia 1 is in the Ligurian Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-40 Metres 0-130 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
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 by Marco FaimaliStrange pigmentation of mediterranean jewel anemone (Corynactis viridis).
 by Marco FaimaliUnderwater photographers at work around the CNR spar buoy called "ODAS Italia 1" 70 km far from the Ligurian coast on 1200 meters deep sea bed.
(Compact camera Nikon Coolpix 8400 in Ikelite Housing and two Epoque ES-150 DS Strobes).
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