Latest Contest entries
Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Dahab Town

Underwater Photo Location: Dahab Town

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Beautiful small time with lot's of interesting dive sites...
Facts about Dahab Town
  • It is in Egypt
  • Dahab Town is in the Red Sea.
  • The typical depth is 50+ Metres 160+ Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Michel Lonfat
Helllllo - back from my holidays... :O) Beautiful time in Dahab Egypt Red Sea.... Que du Bonheur... :O) - lots of fishes and beautiful colors. See you...

by Michel Lonfat
"Grrrrrrrr.... I'm going to eat you... :O)..." Que du bonheur. Face to Face with this beautiful "Barbier".

by Michel Lonfat
A very small Symbiotic Gobie on a Red Spong. They really belong together. Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
"Just the details of the mouth"... no croping... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Atmospher of the Red Sea - "Corail Balai" with Glass Fishes... Que du Bonheur...

by Michel Lonfat
The first time I had the chance to "shot" them : a little Sea Moth, Eurypegasus Draconis - Pegase in French... que du bonheur, but difficult to find them... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with this Lezard Fish... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
A magical Face to Face with this beautiful Zebra Angel Fish - It was the first time I saw one in the Red Sea... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
A little Red Fish with a Black Background... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Encounter with this "Cténaire" during a night dive.... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Beautiful encounter with this Imperial Shrimp... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Some "Priancanthus Blochii" with their Big Eyes.... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Ray in a Cave in the Red Sea in Egypt... Que du Bonheur ... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with a "Parapercis". Just love the look they have... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Mario Toldo
what about this monster ? ........

by Michel Lonfat
Caroline - my wife - in the waters of the Red Sea... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Red Sea Atmospher.... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The Eye of a Priacanthus Blochii... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
A close up shot of an "Inimicus Didactylus" Demon Fish... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
A "Barbier" - Common fish in close to the reef in the Red Sea. Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with this little Damsel Fish... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Another Face to Face.... this time with this little yellow Damsel Fish.... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to Face with this Bluespotted CornetFish - que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Caroline my wife going down the crack in Dahab.... near the Blue Hole... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to Face... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The Eye of Balloonfish... Que du Bonheur... :O)... See you in two weeks - I off on holidays.... Youhou... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Caroline going down the Cheminee - Next to the Blue Hole in Dahab Egypt.... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with this cornet fish in Dahab - Red Sea - Egypt.... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Iason Lambos
Olympus m1030 SW

by Iason Lambos
Olympus m 1030 SW

by Michel Lonfat
Red Sea atmospher... Caroline at the entrance of the Blue Hole in Dahab... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Red on Pink - que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
A nice Enocounter with this Hippo in the Red Sea... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Red fish in the Red Sea.......... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Iason Lambos
glass fish m 1030 sw

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with this Lezard Fish... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Red Sea Atmospher... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Little Damsel Fish... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The Eye... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Cleaning time... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The Eye.... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to Face..... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Little Clown fish... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Sean Cooper

by Michel Lonfat
Little Damsel Fish in the Red Sea ...... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by John Hill
Loch Ness Monster

by John Hill
Black Tip Grouper resting in front of a tube sponge. My first pic with new Strobe :) Canon G10 plus Inon Z240

by John Hill
Juvinile Triggerfish feeding in the grass. Waited a long time to get him looking at me... Canon G10 + Inon Macro Lense & Strobe.

by John Hill
A Thornback Trunkfish head on. These guys always remind me of Darth Vaders Ship from Star Wars....."the force is strong with this one (add heavy breathing here)" ...Canon G10

by Nadya Kulagina
Fish soup

by Michel Lonfat
Beautiful encounter in the Red Sea... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Nadya Kulagina

by Nadya Kulagina
Sad Eyes

by Rashad Elmasry
Moses sole

by Michel Lonfat
Diving the Crac in Dahab - Red Sea... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Diving the caves in Dahab... :O)

by Ladislav Nogacek

by Ladislav Nogacek
red sea turtle in black and white

by John Walsh
Cleaning station, Dahab.

by Philippe Brunner
Joli poisson crocodile, tapis sur son fond de sable

by Enora Seite

by Philippe Brunner
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