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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
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Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
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Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
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Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
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Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
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Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
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Underwater Photo Location: Wakatobi reef

Underwater Photo Location: Wakatobi reef

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This is one of the dive site in Wakatobi
Facts about Wakatobi reef
  • It is in Indonesia
  • Wakatobi reef is in the Sulu and Sulawesi Seas.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Mauro Serafini
A family

by Rob De Vries
Pictures taken in Wakatobi with 60mm lense. Crait, very poisonous, very close. Chekc out the tongue.

by Rob De Vries
Two transparant shrimp on the outiside of an Anemone. Taken with 60 mm lense in Wakatobi, Indonesie.

by Rob De Vries
Wideangel picture of the beautifull Wakatobi reefs with Guja, my dive-guide posing. 10,5 mm fisheye lense

by Marchione Giacomo
The red leaf:Wakatobi2010 Nikon D200, 60 micro,twin strobo

by Marchione Giacomo
Bad position.Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo Wakatobi 2010

by Marchione Giacomo
The red garden Nikon D200, 10,5mm nikon,twin strobo Wakatobi 2010

by Marchione Giacomo
Baby's look Nikon D200, Nikon 105 micro, twin strobo Wakatoby 2010

by Marchione Giacomo
Smile Nikon D200 , 105 macro, twin strobo Wakatobi 2010

by Marchione Giacomo
Wakatobi reef 2010 Nikon D200, 10,5 mm, twin strobo

by Marchione Giacomo
Jewel fish Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo Wakatobi

by Marchione Giacomo
Clown Nikon D200,60 micro,twin strobo Wakatobi

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Beth Watson
False Clownfish and anemone "Splendid Host" Wakatobi, Indonesia

by Marco Fierli
Soft Coral Crab

by Marchione Giacomo
A Tender embrace Wakatobi Nikon D200, 60 micro , two strobo

by Steven Miller
Taunting shutter lag.

by Steven Miller
Waiting for the turn

by Jacob Mortensen
Priacanthus Hamrur -Crescent-tail big eye

by Harvey Edwards
Coral grouper was in hiding. Shy animal so could only get one shot. Canon S95, f8 1/500 Inon S2000.

by Robert Michaelson

by John Loving
Crocodile fish

by Ann Donahue
A view of the shallows on a beautiful Wakatoobi reef
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