Saies Corner may sometimes be like Blue corner in terms of current and presence of big marine life. There is an abundance of soft coral on the walls, lots of pretty macro stuff too! If the current is strong, there is also a "hooking" spot wherein you can see all the marine action!
Facts about Saies Corner
It is in Palau- Saies Corner is in the Pacific.
- The typical depth is 50+ Metres 160+ Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.

Wendy CapiliThis was taken with my old Canon A70 during our safety stop at Saies Corner, Palau. My divemaster friend was blowing bubble rings, and this particular ring perfectly framed him

Wendy CapiliSoft coral at Saies Wall taken using ambient light close focus Sigma 15mm + magic filter

Wendy CapiliAnthias on the reef using NikonD80 + Sigma 15mm + Magic Filter

Alberto D'esteMy friend in Palau

Jonathan SalaLeafe Scorpionfish

Stuart GanzWatching the sharks

Stuart GanzSea Fans