Latest Contest entries
Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Sofitel Housereef, Sharm el Sheikh

Underwater Photo Location: Sofitel Housereef, Sharm el Sheikh

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Facts about Sofitel Housereef, Sharm el Sheikh
  • It is in Egypt
  • Sofitel Housereef, Sharm el Sheikh is in the Red Sea.

by Samantha Fouwels

by Raoul Caprez
Blue spotted stingray taken with a Canon G9 in Sharm el Sheikh.

by Raoul Caprez
Picture of a Parapercis hexophthalma taken with a Panasonic DMC-FX37.

by Raoul Caprez
Two eagle rays in shallow waters. Canon G9

by Raoul Caprez
Picture taken with a Canon G9.

by Raoul Caprez
Diagonal of Heniochus intermedius taken with a Canon G9.

by Raoul Caprez
Amphiprion hidding in his anomone.

by Raoul Caprez
Variola louti of the Red Sea.

by Raoul Caprez
Geronimo is back ! :-)

by Raoul Caprez
Hi little curious Pterois !

by Raoul Caprez
Cheilinus undulatus next to the beach.

by Raoul Caprez
The red of the Red Sea ... Picture taken with a Canon G9 during a night dive.

by Raoul Caprez
Nice view !

by Raoul Caprez
Sleeping time ! Picture of an Arothron taken during a night dive in Sharm El Sheikh.

by Raoul Caprez
Sometimes you must stand in a strange position to be able to take the picture you would like to have. For this one, it was the case because I wanted to have a blue background and this Pterois was next to a wall.

by Raoul Caprez
Hi !!!

by Raoul Caprez
It was a huge one !

by Raoul Caprez
Special crop for a special effect. Picture taken with a Canon G9 in Sharm El Sheickh.

by Raoul Caprez
Picture taken during a night dive in Sharm El Sheickh with a Canon G9 and a single DS125 strobe.

by Raoul Caprez
A cute couple of Chaetodon semilarvatus.

by Raoul Caprez
So nice during the night !

by Raoul Caprez
I wanted to see in a small black hole (the one you see on the picture) when this Pterois came out. Nice meeting.

by Raoul Caprez
Picture taken in Sharm El Sheikh with a Canon G9.

by Raoul Caprez
A new way of turning !

by Raoul Caprez
Variola louti taken with a Canon G9 and a single Ikelite DS125 strobe.

by Raoul Caprez
Face to face with a Heniochus intermedius of the Red Sea.

by Raoul Caprez
Picture taken with a Canon G9 and a single DS125 Ikelite strobe.

by Raoul Caprez
Picture of an Arothron taken during a night dive in Sharm El Sheikh with a Canon G9 and a DS125 Ikelite Strobe.

by Raoul Caprez
Pterois taken with a Canon G9, a single DS125 Ikelite strobe and a special filter.

by Raoul Caprez
Glass fish and coral. Picture taken with a Canon G9.

by Raoul Caprez
Face to face with a Pterois.

by Raoul Caprez
3 ... 2 ... 1 ... go !!!

by Raoul Caprez
Soft coral

by Raoul Caprez
Flying Pterois :-)

by Raoul Caprez
Sleeping Taeniura lymna :-)

by Raoul Caprez
Out of the dark !

by Raoul Caprez
Picture taken with a Canon G9 and a single DS125 Ikelite Strobe.

by Raoul Caprez
Picture taken with a Panasonic DMC-FX37

by Raoul Caprez
Like in an aquarium.

by Raoul Caprez
This Arothron was whistling under water :-)

by Raoul Caprez
Heniochus intermedius of the Red Sea

by Raoul Caprez
Pterois taken in Sharm El Sheick with a Canon G9 and a single DS125 Ikelite strobe.

by Raoul Caprez
Blue spotted stingray in the clear water of the Red Sea. Canon G9 and a single DS125 Ikelite Strobe.

by Raoul Caprez
Picture taken with a Canon G9.

by Raoul Caprez
Heniochus intermedius taken with a Canon G9 and a single DS125 Ikelite strobe.

by Raoul Caprez
Pterois taken during a night dive in Egypte. Canon G9 and a single DS125 Ikelite strobe.

by Raoul Caprez
Heniochus intermedius' dialogue : - I tell you, it's on that way ! - Are you sure ?

by Raoul Caprez
Flying Pterois in the Red Sea. Canon G9

by Raoul Caprez
Picture taken with a Canon G9.

by Raoul Caprez
Nap time for a blue spotted stingray.

by Raoul Caprez
A very shy one ... always in its hole ...

by Raoul Caprez
Spot light on a lion fish

by Raoul Caprez
Diving in Egypt is often like diving in an aquarium ... Nature is beautiful !
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