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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
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Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
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Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Sunset House Reef

Underwater Photo Location: Sunset House Reef

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Calm with slight current. Entry through the sea pool.
Facts about Sunset House Reef

by Adeline Wee
I spy with my little eye. Taken with Oly OM-D EM-5 w/60mm macro lens

by Adeline Wee
Pederson Cleaner Shrimp, fragile and delicate

by Adeline Wee
Coral Banded Shrimp

by Adeline Wee
I spy with my arrow-headed eyes.

by Patricia Sinclair
The statue is Amphritite - Siren of Sunset Reef I shot this fairly close up in order to show the beautiful growth in her hair.

by Susannah H. Snowden-Smith

by Adeline Wee
Pretty in red

by Adeline Wee
Friendly Grey Angels posing by the wreck

by Adeline Wee
Sepioteuthis sepioidea

by Adeline Wee
Illuminating a hawkfish from the outside of a sponge.

by Adeline Wee
Spotted Anemone Shrimp - taken by stacking a x2 and a +10 diopter

by Jim Catlin
Bi-colour - purple tip anemone with back and fill light

by Adeline Wee
Corkscrew anemone providing home and shelter to different species, and many times they co-exsist in harmony.

by Jim Catlin
'Mermaid Mess'

by Patricia Sinclair
Grays by can be quite interesting to photograph,especially when they let you get close with the macro lens.

by Leslie Howell
We would see these beautiful banded tube dwelling anemones at the start and end of all our night dives at Sunset House in Grand Cayman.

by Susannah H. Snowden-Smith
I prepared my camera with a fisheye lens, but with my extension ring on the port to create a false vignette. I was hoping for some larger marine life to utilize this effect. Perfect for when a goliath grouper--unusual for Cayman--showed up!
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