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Cratena peregrina_July2024
 CanonEF100  1/200 f20 iso 100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (3 days ago)
Flabellina ischitana_July 2024
 CanonEF100  1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (3 days ago)
Sea Horse
By Ahmed Mohamed
posted (3 days ago)
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Moray ELL
By Ahmed Mohamed
posted (3 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: The Gulf

Underwater Photo Location: The Gulf

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Diving in the Persian (Arabian) Gulf, it is very different from the Red Sea. Lots of silt here with a few coral reefs, sea grass beds, and interesting oyster beds here in Bahrain. Haven't been to UAE or Oman, but have been doing lots of diving here in Bahrain. Water temp is dropping. Starting putting on shorties a few weeks ago, almost time for full wet suits. During November, water temps can drop 5 to 7 deg C per week. It's down to the 20's now. A month ago, we were in t-shirts!
Facts about The Gulf
  • It is in Bahrain
  • The Gulf is in the Arabian Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Ahmed Mohamed
Socotra Cormorant

by Ahmed Mohamed
Sea Horse

by Ahmed Mohamed
Hermit Crab

by Ahmed Mohamed
Socotra Cormorant

by Ahmed Mohamed
Jelly Fish

by Ahmed Mohamed
Moray ELL

by Ahmed Mohamed
Luther Goby

by Ahmed Mohamed
Sea Horse
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