Indonesia Underwater Photo Sites (38)
It was taken during a wonderful Liveaboard trip in Indonesia, for me it shows the fantastic coulors of nature
| Facts about Komodo It is in Indonesia- Komodo is in the Java Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
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I capt this picture in one of unnamed shipwreck in Ambon (infront of Wayame Kampung)
| Facts about Ambon Unnamed shipwreck It is in Indonesia- Ambon Unnamed shipwreck is in the Molucca Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
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One of beauty under the sea ...
| Facts about Laha 1 It is in Indonesia- Laha 1 is in the Molucca Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
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Dive site in walea. There is many soft coral, sponges and fun coral. Reef fishes flyng on the coral.Good visibility e few current
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I found this ornate ghost pipefish, when I'm dive in Menjangan island - Bali
| Facts about Menjangan island It is in Indonesia- Menjangan island is in the Bali Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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Alor is well known with its prestine coral and variety of sea creatures. Mikes' delight is one of the best from Alor
| Facts about Alor, Mikes' delight It is in Indonesia- Alor, Mikes' delight is in the Flores Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
Sea pinnacle of coast of active volcano. Reasonabl current always attracts huge quantities of schooling fish plus pelagics. Whale sharks and Hammer heads have been spotted here. Also Napoleon Wrasse, huge barracuda, turtles and rays are regular visitors. All against a stunning backdrop of untouched hard corals and huge sponges. A dive site with a surprise everyday and no chance of ever tiring of it.
| Facts about The Pinaccle, Togian Islands, Sulawesi It is in Indonesia- The typical depth is 0-40 Metres 0-130 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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an adrenalin dive. get in get down and then try to get across the top of the pinnacle to where the sharks hang out. this is a dive for experienced divers. the shark action was great but nothing compared to the amount of schooling fish. we see schools of every reef fish going. i would say at least 30000 fish probably double that, i lost count at 2134. not a site for a big camera rig though. the current you have to fight is 4-5 knots.
| Facts about cannibal rock It is in Indonesia- cannibal rock is in the Banda Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-40 Metres 0-130 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
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During our dives we have encountered amazing marine life, large amounts of sharks, mainly white tip and grey reef, large shoals of jacks, snapper, surgeon fish and fusiliers. Large groupers can be seen on most dives and we have also seen some of the biggest hump head wrasse we have seen for years. Turtles abound, Manta rays are common and eagle rays, we spotted regularly.
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This was an amazing dive. First we swam along the wall at around 80 feet. when we came to the entrance of the cahnnel we hung on near the edge waiting to see ahrkes. We did see one shark, then when we let go we were swept into the channel for a wild ride! Everthing flew past us as we drifted in to this inlet at several knots. Not the best for underwater photography due to the current, but a fantastic dive anyway! To see underwater photography from this trip go to visit my web site at click here
| Facts about The Channel - Wakatobi It is in Indonesia- The Channel - Wakatobi is in the Banda Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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In the first 5 minutes of the first dive we saw 5 turtles, amazingly colourfull corals, 2 Napoleons, showl of barracuda and other fantastically colourfull fish including the biggest parrot fish ever !! Even snorkeling the experience is amazing.
| Facts about Bunaken North Sulawesi It is in Indonesia- Bunaken North Sulawesi is in the Celebes Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
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To quote a dive guide's words: "This site is the ancestor for pelagics!" This is a seamount in the middle of a narrow strait. First time I dived here it was a hand to hand grasp on the baren rock to get across the top of the seamount at around 12-14meters. Once you get over the northern side of the seamount it is a drop off with a ledge around 25-35 meters. During good season; april to november, the visibility is incredible; 25meters +. At first you see shadows - big shadows. And it materialized... huge dog-toothed tunas, each as big as a cow! These can number in the 30s or more. The corals are mostly short and mixed with soft corals, very colorful, but with all the pelagics around you forget it existed. Just to sum it up, big-guys I've seen here: Napoleon wrasse, eagle rays, cheveron barracudas, big-eyed trevally, giant trevally, giant grouper, black-tipped, silver tip, white tip sharks, thresher shark (this one was huge!), and ofcourse the ever-present dogged-toothed tunas. Side note: I read in a guide book about the giant grouper here, 2 meters and not a cm smaller. yah, right. Right? But guess what? I did see it. no kidding, big as an VW bug! even them grey reef sharks kindof stay away from it. However it was on its way somewhere though, didnt stay around too long. However this site isn't for the faint of hearts. You'd first of all need a very good guide who can determine the best time to dive here, as you may wait up to 1/2 hr or more here just to wait for the current to slow down. Even while waiting you might think you're in the middle of a white-water rafting trip in a river rapid! besides that you can even see wake on the anchor line! Once it settles down (not completely, because you want to arrive in the ledge at min current) you go down the line hand-on-hand to the top of the mount and grasp the baren rock to move forward. But once you're on the ledge it's calm enough, even to move around. This site isn't like other sites where you constantly move about, more like staying put on the norther ledge which is about 30 meters long, between 20-38 meters. Watch your air-carefully as you may go deep here and you'd definitely needed the safety stop here. Obviously this site ain't for beginners. I'd suggest min experience of 100 dives or more. Another thing: having a glove helps... Another reminder, this site is also not for those who don't listen to their guides; or for those who thinks they know everything, no matter how many dives you had. With this sort of attitude you definitely could get into trouble here. You basically dive during tide-interval, and they varies. When the tide changes, you have to get out of there, and I don't care how much air you got left. If you think you don't get your dive worth (air/time wise), suck it up on the boat! Once the current gets moving, even boats can't move forward here! (I have seen; not just once but many times, boats moving backwards here. An experience skipper would go very close to the island [kepa island] where the current subsides or move in opposite direction) not to mention a diver!!! Alor area dive sites are excellent by any standard. Straight walls full of corals down to 50meters plus with vis up to 30M or more. But once you've been here and seen the pelagics, thats it. Its like narcotics, you just want to come here again and again. One trip me and my mates were diving here for 4 dive days I think, gues how many time we dived here? 6 times! For those of you who like to dive here can get in touch with me: With 4 trips and about 40 dives + in this area, I can say that I know quite a bit about this area...
| Facts about Kal's Dream, Alor islands It is in Indonesia- Kal's Dream, Alor islands is in the Timor Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-40 Metres 0-130 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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My Favourite site. Saw 25 hammerhead here on aug '04. Dog-toothed tunas are also quite a common sight. Excellent soft corals and mesmerizing colors mixed with huge boomies- as big as a house. Not the easiest place to get to in Bali but well worth it. Go with an experience guide. Very important. Minimal experience for this dive is 50 dives. Current is common but not wild. Safe when close to the reef. White tips are almost guaranteed. Have questions regarding this site can ask me at click here to email , personally I have dived this reef over 250 times.
| Facts about Gili Selang It is in Indonesia- Gili Selang is in the Bali Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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The dive sites around the three islands of Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Penida and Nusa Ceningan offer divers the widest possible range of experiences. The dive site of Mangrove is a stunning shelving reef with healthy coral gardens stretching from just below the surface down to 30 metres. The fish life is rich and varied and the visibility can stretch to 30 metres or more. Around the corner to the east, Ceningan Wall is an exciting drift with the bottom dropping away to 100 metres or more. The walls are alive with soft an hard corals and large palegics swim by in the depths. Penida Bay, also known as Crystal Bay, is where the Mola Mola can be seen from July through until August. These majestic creatures come in to be cleaned by banner fish and other reef fish. They rest head up in the deep cool waters of the bay surounded by a cloud of bright fish which remove parasites from their skin. They allow divers to approach quite close and offer incredible photo oportunities. Though the islands have a reputation for wild currents, there are dive operations that ensure the best possible diving conditions by diving with the rising tide and selecting suitable sites (there are 18 to choose from) with mild currents. Most of the dives are drift dives, so there is no need to struggle against the flow. Just allow the current to drift you along the reef and enjoy the show!
| Facts about Nusa Lembogan, Ceningan and Penida It is in Indonesia- The typical depth is 0-40 Metres 0-130 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
The waters of Bunaken National Marine Park are extremely deep (1566 m in Manado Bay), clear (up to 35-40 m visibility), refreshing in temperature (27-29 C) and harbor some of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. Pick any of group of interest - corals, fish, echinoderms or sponges - and the number of families, genera or species is bound to be astonishingly high. For example, 7 of the 8 species of giant clams that occur in the world, occur in Bunaken. The park has around 70 genera of corals compare this to a mere 10 in Hawaii. Although the exact number of fish species is unknown, it may be slightly higher than in the Philippines, where 2,500 species, or nearly 70 of all fish species known to the Indo-western Pacific, are found. Oceanic currents may explain, in part, why Bunaken National Marine Park is such a treasure trove of biodiversity. Northeasternly currents generally sweep through the park but abundant counter currents and gyros related to lunar cycles are believed to be a trap for free swimming larvae. This is particularly true on the south side of the crescent-shaped Bunaken Island, lying in the heart of the park. A snorkler or diver in the vicinity of Lekuan or Fukui may spot over 33 species of butterfly fish and numerous types of groupers, damsels, wrasses and gobies. The gobies, smallish fish with bulging eyes and modified fins that allow them to attach to hard surfaces, are the most diverse but least known group of fish in the park. Biologists believe that the abundance of hard corals is crucial in maintaining the high levels of diversity in the park. Hard corals are the architects of the reefs, without them, numerous marine organisms would be homeless and hungry. Many species of fish are closely associated with particular types of corals (folious, branching, massives, etc.) for shelter and egg-laying. Others, like the enormous Bumphead Parrotfish, Balbometopon muricatum, are coralivores and depend on hard corals for their sustenance. Bony mouth parts fused into an impressive beak allow these gregarious fish to crunch corals like roasted peanuts. Good dive site for all divers. Wall dives and shallow reefs with good visibility of 20-30m. Coelacanths are found here!
| Facts about Bunaken National Park It is in Indonesia- Bunaken National Park is in the Asian Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
December 2003, just before Christmas , visited Manado- Indonesia the 2nd time with a group of 10 . Weather was bad, it was wet almost all day, no sun at all, just feel cold and dont like diving. LUckily , i try not to miss any dive including one of the wall dive ..... water condition was bad, i cant see far, suddenly, an ugly big head fish (?) without body come toward me, i am fighten as i am unable to confirm what is that , i keep on point toward the direction and do not go near, immediately, my instructor -JACK fry there...... but this big ugly thing dont like him and other memeber therefore turn away. Insturctor JACK was unable to go after him and turn back and talk to me very loud (this is the first time after 90 dive that some one talk to me in the water ) and say SUN FISH , he also use his finger to write on his hand SUN and he jsut look crazy. By then, i known i had see SUN FISH ( MOLAMOLA) with my own eyes. After the dive, a check with the dive master who had dive 1500 times in the same dive site, he confirm that this was his 2nd time see the sun fish and a much bigger one. Jack was much more than happy as he had traveled to Bali-Indonesia to see Sun Fish, but with no result. But this dive he see it with a group of 10, all group member witness it but none of us taken the pictures .
| Facts about Bunakan - Manado |
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----- SCUBA Dive In Resort Bali Indonesia Online Information ----- Geography and Climate The island of Bali was shaped by the action of volcanoes, which produced the rich, black soils that nourish Bali's beautiful and productive rice paddies. Just 8-9 south of the equator, Bali is always warm-a mean 27.2 C, although the highlands are about 6 C cooler. Humidity is an almost constant 75 persent. Most of Bali's annual 2,500-3,000 millimeters of rain falls from November through March. Bali's great strength is that it is NOT isolated. The island's reefs are ideally positioned to recieve a cosmopolitan assortment of plankton and juvenile animals from the Indonesia Throughflow, a massive flow of water that passes from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. Because of this combination, perhaps Bali is just to familiar to be considered a great diving area. Dive Sites There are five main areas for diving in Bali, working counter clockwise around the island from the airport in the south: Nusa Dua and Sanur; Nusa Penida; Candi Dasa (Padang Bai, Gili Mimpang, Gili Tepekong); Amed/Cemeluk and Tulamben; Pemutaran, Menjangan and Gilimanuk ( Secret Bay). Each area offers dive locations for novice, intermediate and advanced divers. At most sites, divers can plan a dive to match their degree of experience, and dives can be made around the year. Depth of dives The best diving lies between 5 and 40 meters. Marine Life The varied inhabitants of Bali's reefs. " different fields, different grasshoppers." Visibility Variable, 5-15 m, exceeds 30 m. Water Temperature Normally 26 - 27 C (78 - 80 F). During July and August, the temperature drops to 21 C (70 F) High seasons July-August and around Christmas and New Year. Highlights The Liberty Wreck 120 meters long Tulamben, Wooden anker wreck, cave and craggy wall Menjangan, Pelagics, and between the months of August - November Mola-Mola (Sunfish) at Nusa Penida, Rare critters muck diving at Secret Bay/Gilimanuk Canyon at Gili Tepekong/Cand Dasa Other Very tricky current, strong surge, uncomfortably cold in some dive sites.
| Facts about Bali Dived Site In General |
Supported by scientific facts, Raja Ampat is the richest reefs system in the world. After two scientific surveys were conducted Conservation International and The Nature Conservancy in 2001 and 2002 respectively, coral expert John Vernon, Raja Ampat declared that Raja Ampat had a higher density of species than anywhere else in the world. The world’s top ichthyologist Dr. Gerry Allen broke his own record twice in Raja Ampat for number of species recorded on a single dive. Before diving in the Raja Ampat area his record was 204 different species recorded in Milne Bay in Papua New Guinea. In 2001, he documented 283 species of coral fish at Cape Kri. Then, during the 2002 near the island of Kofiau, he set a new personal record by documenting 284 species during one dive. This is the coral reefs final frontier. I have been there 4 times and I am going back in 2005 – this time with the a very special guest and a very special boat – the MV Pelagian; undoubtedly one of the best live-aboard in the world
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This is the number one macro dive. You swim down to what looks like the contents of a full ashtray, grey crap. All the rubbish that people have thrown into the Strait over the last hundred years. Or is it? When you really start to look you find what looks like a piece of rubbish, but is actually a fish in disguise. Sea Urchins as large as footballs seem to gang up and flash their neon lights at each other in a magnificent display. Our guide told us that if we did not see a seahorse that he would refund the cost of our holiday! There were so many that we began to be blase about them. There are thousands of nudibranch. I, of course, had gone in with wide angle - but still managed to come back with some fantastic shots.
| Facts about Somebody's Hairball (Lembeh Strait) It is in Indonesia- Somebody's Hairball (Lembeh Strait) is in the Banda Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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You can either do a shore dive to this site or take a day boat for diving on the wall(a 5 minute swim from shore will get you to the reef). It is a good site for instruction as there is a flat bottom lagoon. There are Napoleon Wrasse and Dogtooth Tuna as well as schools. Lots of colourful coral and macro subjects.
| Facts about Amed, Bali It is in Indonesia- Amed, Bali is in the Indian Ocean.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
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