Latest Contest entries
Whale shark from Triton Bay  underneath a fishing Bagan.
By Conner Curnick
posted 16:31 CST Today (within the last hour)
A beautiful cuttlefish showing off their magical colours whilst hiding under a ledge. Taken at Busselton Jetty  Western Australia. 
This image was shot with Iphone 14 pro   sealife sportdiver
By Arianne Lienert
posted (2 days ago)
Taken under permit
By Arun Madisetti
posted (5 days ago)
Mom and Babies
By Didier Pasquini
posted (6 days ago)
Goniobranchus reticulata nudibranch_February 2025
 Canon EF100 1/200 f22 iso125
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Almost functionally extinct in the Caribbean  this beautiful D.Lab  grooved brain coral  is healthy.  BONAIRE  . Sealife micro3
By Arun Madisetti
posted (last week)

Egypt Underwater Photo Sites (3)

Egypt flag
Egyptian flag
Egypt climate graphEgypt map
Egypt flag Egypt has a total land surface area of 1001450 Sq Km (386662 Sq miles)
Egypt is part of Africa
  • The currency used in Egypt is Egyptian Pound
  • The language of Egypt is Arabic (official), English and French
  • The capital of Egypt is Cairo
  • The time in Egypt is 02:11
  • The coastline of Egypt is 2450 kilometres (1519 miles)

The climate in Egypt is desert; hot, dry summers with moderate winters

Egypt Underwater Photo Sites (3)
501 Entries Found: Page 3  of  26
Marsa Shagra House Reef, Egypt
SharmEl Shaikh Domina Beach, Egypt
daedelus reef, Egypt
Daytrip from Hurghada, Egypt
z, Egypt
x, Egypt
Daedalus reef, Marsa Alam, Egypt
Coral Beach Namma Bay Sharm Elshaikh, Egypt
shark bay Sinai Egypt, Egypt
Ras Zaater, Egypt
Shaikh Coast beach, Egypt
Namma Bay sharm elshaikh, Egypt
Shaikh Coast, Egypt
Ras Mohamed Red Sea, Egypt
Shark Bay, Egypt, Egypt
Giannis D wreck, Egypt
House Reef of the Hotel "The Breakers", Soma Bay, Egypt
House Reef of the Hotel "The Breakers", Soma Bay (Egypt), Egypt
Ras Om El-Sid, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
501 Entries Found: Page 3  of  26
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