The highlights are 'Mexican Hat' , 'Aladdin's Cave' , 'Three Tunnels' and the night dive on 'Rabbit Island' . Mexican Hat was excellent! We descended to approx 20 metres from where we entered a tunnel (3-4 m in diameter) through which we finned upwards until we did a safety stop at 6 m where the water becomes like a 'heat haze': natural spring water mixing with the salty seawater. We surfaced in the most amazing 'cavern' and when we turned our torches off we could see the light coming through the rocks and the sea shone a brilliant turquoise. Another dive site similar to this one was Aladdin's Cave, but where we surfaced there was a hole in the top of the rocks and it was equally beautiful with the sun shining through to the water where we bobbed about on our inflated BCD's. The Three Tunnels was another 'adventurous' dive as it involved diving in and out of narrow ravines. The highlight of that dive was waiting for the group to emerge and seeing the air bubbles permeate through the tunnel 'roofs'. Rabbit Island night dive was fun as my buddy and I busily searched 'Navy Seals style'(!) with our torches under rocks and in nooks and crannies and felt a sense of achievement when, amongst the more usual array of marine life, we discovered 2 octopus and watched as one changed color to a pale blue and then a pale pink. We also saw a red baby octopus with white spots, not such a great camouflage! There were only two disappointing dives (in terms of lack of sea life and topographical interest): Aldiana Bay and one of the night dives at Aquarium Reef . Aldiana Bay, I gathered from general chit chat, is not considered one of the better dive sites and it is possible that we just got bad timing with the night dive at Aquarium Reef. Rabbit Island for the night dive, however, we recommend highly.