Cayman islands Underwater Photo Sites (9)
Dive boat entry, 82 degree water temp., no current, 100 ft. viz,
| Facts about Three Trees, Grand Cayman Island, along the 7 mile beach It is in Cayman islands- Three Trees, Grand Cayman Island, along the 7 mile beach is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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Easy diving. Very good Caribbean diving. Anytime of year.
| Facts about Barracuda Bite, Bloody Bay Marine Park-Little Cayman It is in Cayman islands- Barracuda Bite, Bloody Bay Marine Park-Little Cayman is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
A nice dive with some more rare finds - have to look for them though.
| Facts about Lemon Wall, North Wall It is in Cayman islands- Lemon Wall, North Wall is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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hammerhead sharks cruise overhead, easy to nav, easy to max out depth too. LOTS to see, several great sites along this wall too many to mention.
| Facts about Grand Cayman - North Wall It is in Cayman islands- Grand Cayman - North Wall is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
This is not a dive site, but a location for wildlife. There are nurse sharks in the canal as well as loads of large Iguanas and more. Worth a look - check it out from one of the stingray dive/snorkel boats from people like Don Fosters Dive
| Facts about Brittania Canal It is in Cayman islands- Brittania Canal is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
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A typical WSW wall dive for Cayman. Just off Smith's Cove at Eagle Ray Rock. There are beautiful swim-thru's and if you can find one that's not highly traveled, you'll see marine life that we have not bumped into. The operators are very into no touchy-feelie, but rookies (and even experienced divers) sometimes get too close. Cayman is great for the small stuff, turtles, rays etc. - if you want sharks, go elsewhere (although we do get a few off the North wall) - the life here is great but look hard and slow down - there's no rush man!
| Facts about Eagle Ray Rock It is in Cayman islands- Eagle Ray Rock is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
The west side of Cayman is great. It's quite well dived but there's loads to see. Don Fosters are my operator of choice. People say the North wall is better and it is great - but for me, dives on the West always result in great enjoyment. The deep dive is usually to 100ft. and then the following shallow usually to 50. It's usual to see more life on the shallow dive but the deeper dive results in more spectacular stuff as far as I am concerned.
| Facts about North West Pont |
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Great Dive, the visibility was about 70 feet. The diving on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman are, in my opinion, superior to the diving on Grand Cayman
| Facts about Buccaneer's Reef, Cayman Brac It is in Cayman islands- Buccaneer's Reef, Cayman Brac is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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Lots of vibrate corals and fish. Current is swift. Freedive/snorkelled along reef and channel opening.
| Facts about Heritage Beach Reef - East End It is in Cayman islands- Heritage Beach Reef - East End is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
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A good wall dive, not as good and bloody bay but a good wall dive nonetheless.
| Facts about Cemetary Wall, Cayman Brac It is in Cayman islands- Cemetary Wall, Cayman Brac is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Bloody Bay and Jackson's Blight marine parks on Little Cayman Island are some of the best diving in the Caribbean. Reef Divers did a great job with 3-tank dives and Nitrox.
| Facts about Marylin's Cut It is in Cayman islands- Marylin's Cut is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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One of my favorite dive sites. Very friendly French Angelfish, turtles, groupers.
| Facts about Aquarium It is in Cayman islands- Aquarium is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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My favorite fish in the Caribbean.
| Facts about Oro Verde wreck, Grand Cayman island. It is in Cayman islands- Oro Verde wreck, Grand Cayman island. is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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One of the greatest dive sites in the Caribbean. Mixing Bowl has shallow coral gardens and sand/rubble areas, or you can go deep over Bloody Bay wall.
| Facts about Little Cayman - Mixing Bowl It is in Cayman islands- Little Cayman - Mixing Bowl is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
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Good diving. I didn't see a lot of large animals during the trip. Brac Reef Beach Resort was fantastic.
| Facts about Cayman Brac It is in Cayman islands- Cayman Brac is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
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Marine Life |  |
This was at the Turtle Farm on Grand Cayman, no Diiving involed here, but the breed Turtles to be released and have some of the rarest TUrtles in the world being bread, the place is well worth a visit. The shot was taken with a Nikon D70 and I zoomed in using Nikons Picture project.
| Facts about The Turtle farm in Grand Cayman It is in Cayman islands- The Turtle farm in Grand Cayman is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
Divetech at Cobalt Coast Resorts house reef is an easy shore dive just off the end of the pier. The mini wall is 5 minutes off shore that teams with seafans to the coral reef formation that starts at 30 feet of depth. Excellent photo opportunities, abundant marine life, large schools of snapper, grunts, sargeant majors, baracuda, schoolmasters and riddles with colorful sponges in all colors of the rainbow. Access for shore is easy, and the dive shop hosts restrooms, showers, changing rooms, lockers, retail shop, restaurant, bar, rental equipment, dive site maps, shaded setup benches, rinse tank, drying rack, fresh water pool. Snorklers are welcome also! 1 345 946-5658 click here to email click here
| Facts about Cobalt Ridge, Cobalt Coast Resort It is in Cayman islands- Cobalt Ridge, Cobalt Coast Resort is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
The Reef Resort: A Grand Cayman all beachfront luxury resort located on an exquisite quiet side of the island. This boutique resort is perfect for its watersports, diving, world class snorkelling, pool facilities and its private patio views. Ocean Frontiers, Grand Cayman’s premier diving and snorkeling company, has a dive shop located on-site at The Reef. This PADI 5-Star Gold Palm IDC Center provides divers with everything they need for unbelievable underwater adventures. Divers consistently rank Ocean Frontiers as having both the world’s best dive staff and best dive operation. Dive classes are taught for divers of every experience level, from beginners to divemasters. High-quality diving gear is available to rent, as are boats, kayaks and more. Ocean Frontiers also rents boats and operates The Beach Locker, a fully stocked boutique located off The Reef’s lobby. Some of the world’s most spectacular unspoiled coral reefs and walls can be explored in the waters off The Reef and the East End of Grand Cayman. Ocean Frontiers offers a two-tank wall and reef dive each morning and each afternoon, as well as stingray dives and snorkeling, coral reef snorkel trips and night dives.
| Facts about The Reef Resort, Grand Cayman |
My wife and I have been diving on Little Cayman since 1989. We've dived throughout the Caribbean and also two trips to the Bligh Water in Fiji. I can't imagine a more dramatic wall dive anywhere, at least in the western hemisphere. Bloody Bay Wall crests in water less that 20 feet deep, then goes vertical to 2000 feet deep. It's like floating along the walls of the Grand Canyon, with deep ravines and undercuts, and marine life of all forms just teeming on the wall and on the colorful coral gardens on top. There are enough swim-throughs, arches, and other formations to keep anyone in awe. As great as the wall is for wide-angle photography, I've taken some great macro shots here too. A site that has to be seen to believe!
| Facts about Bloody Bay Wall - Little Cayman It is in Cayman islands- Bloody Bay Wall - Little Cayman is in the Caribbean Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.