Latest Contest entries
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted 17:55 CST Today (1 hour ago)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted 17:48 CST Today (1 hour ago)
Whale shark from Triton Bay  underneath a fishing Bagan.
By Conner Curnick
posted Yesterday
A beautiful cuttlefish showing off their magical colours whilst hiding under a ledge. Taken at Busselton Jetty  Western Australia. 
This image was shot with Iphone 14 pro   sealife sportdiver
By Arianne Lienert
posted (3 days ago)
Taken under permit
By Arun Madisetti
posted (6 days ago)
Mom and Babies
By Didier Pasquini
posted (last week)

Australia Underwater Photo Sites (3)

Australia flag
Australian flag
Australia climate graphAustralia map
Australia flag Australia has a total land surface area of 7686850 Sq Km (2967909 Sq miles)
Australia is part of Oceania
  • The currency used in Australia is Australian Dollar
  • The language of Australia is English, and native languages
  • The capital of Australia is Canberra
  • The time in Australia is 14:56
  • The coastline of Australia is 25760 kilometres (15971 miles)

The climate in Australia is generally arid to semiarid; temperate in south and east; tropical in north

Australia Underwater Photo Sites (3)
250 Entries Found: Page 3  of  13
Rowley Shoals, 180 miles off the coast from the township of Broome, Australia
Rowley Shoals, 180 miles off the coast of Broome., Australia
RAN FleetBase West., Australia
World-famous Navy Pier, Bundegi, Exmouth., Australia
Specialisd RAN Training Facility., Australia
Training facility for offshore survival techniques, Fremantle., Australia
Wreck of Sanko Harvest., Australia
Naval Wharf, Australia
The Heads, Sydney, Australia
Bass Point, Australia
Bushrangers Bay, Australia
Lady Elliott Island, Australia
Blairgowrie / Mornington Peninsula, Australia
Warrorah Station, Australia
Port Kembla, Australia
MM Beach, Port Kembla, Australia
Blue Hole, Daintree Forest, Access is very limited., Australia
Black Point, Australia
lake Barrine,, Australia
lake Barrine,, Australia
250 Entries Found: Page 3  of  13
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