Australia Underwater Photo Sites (2)
great for leafy sea dragon
| Facts about Victor Harbor |
Large amounts of fish and coral. Saw a small stingray. Visibility was 12-15m. Small current as tide was going out. Water temp was 23C at end of Winter/Early Spring.
| Facts about Saxon Reef It is in Australia- Saxon Reef is in the Coral Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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Found this little guy under the Bulk Jetty in Kwinana Perth Western Australia, they were hiding in the pylons and it was a bit challenging as they moved so fast.
| Facts about Bulk Jetty Kwinana It is in Australia- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
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Glaucus Atlanticus get together
| Facts about Nelson Bay, NSW |
| Facts about lassisters reef |
Martin Island Seal Colony, NSW, Australia
| Facts about Martin Island, NSW, Australia It is in Australia- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
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Very good chance to see whalesharks between april and july every year as these sharks pass the western coast of Australia during their migration
| Facts about Exmouth, Western Australia It is in Australia- Exmouth, Western Australia is in the Indian Ocean.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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Sea Lion Snorkel off Green Head
| Facts about Fisherman's Island It is in Australia- Fisherman's Island is in the Indian Ocean.
- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Holidaying in Australia we went for a day trip on outer barrier reefs. A MUST!
| Facts about Agincourt Reefs - Great Barrier Feefs It is in Australia- Agincourt Reefs - Great Barrier Feefs is in the Coral Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
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The Severance Wreck is around 21m and was sunk in 1999. Dived this onboard the Big Cat Reality liveaboard out of Bundaberg. Some hard and soft corals are already established on the wreck, and there is plenty of fish life to check out. Have also seen rays, turtles and sharks here as well as nudibranchs.
| Facts about Severance Wreck It is in Australia- Severance Wreck is in the Coral Sea.
- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
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Great place lots of sharks and rays
| Facts about Broughton Islands Port Stephens It is in Australia- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Marine Life |  |
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Excitement guranteed in the submarine service!!!
| Facts about Specialised RAN Training Facility. |
One of the all-time great dive sites on the east coast of Australia. Byron Bay is famous for it's superb beaches, trendy lifestyle and regular visits of Grey Nurse sharks around Julien Rocks. Every diver knows how 'friendly' the Nurse sharks can be and pose no threat to the diver/photographer.
| Facts about Julien Rocks Marine Reserve, Byron Bay, New South wales. It is in Australia- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
Julien Rocks has been a mecca for divers travelling the East Coast of Australia since the 1970's. The Rocks is a small outcrop no more than 150-200meters in diameter and approx. 1kilomatre off the Byron Bay beach. During the winter months Grey Nurse sharks (mainly pregnant females)frequent the area much to the enjoyment of divers. Depths are shallow( 7-8meters in the Nursery area)but go deeper on the exposed eastern side in the vicinity of the Cod Hole (10-12metres). The Nurse sharks tend to prefer the deeper more isolated area of Julien Rocks.
| Facts about Julien Rocks Marine Reserve, Byron Bay. It is in Australia- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
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Albany, Western Australia has a proud history as a whaling station. The hunting ceased in the 1970's, since then the township and surrounding bays has thrived as a diving location. Albany offers three dive shops with charters available throughout the year to various island locations with sunken whale-chasers and of course the mighty ex-navy destroyer HMAS Perth resting on a sandy ocean floor with the main deck of the Perth in approx 21metres and accessible to all class of divers.
| Facts about Former HMAS Perth (DDG-38) Artificial Reef Dive Site. Albany. It is in Australia- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
The RAN conducts underwater training around the Naval Base in Western Australia where numerous sport diving activities take place for tourist and local divers.
| Facts about AdventureLand, Royal Australian Navy Clearance Diving, (RANCDT) Maritime Tactical Operations. It is in Australia- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
A night of diving with the RAN's elite Clearance Diving Branch (Team 4). Many sport divers aspire to become a professional military diver, the training is tough - and the rewards are high.
| Facts about RAN training excercise in the vicinity of Shoalwater Island. It is in Australia- The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
Rigorous survival training carried out in freshwater pool to simulate helicopter ditching/submerging drills. Open to sport divers on invitation only. Camera Nikonos V, Fuji 800ASA Super G press film.
| Facts about Industrial Foundation for Accident Prevention (Fremantle) HUET survival training facility. It is in Australia- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
Rottnest Island is 45 minute boat ride west of Perth, Western Australia. The island is a popular tourist resort and caters for a large number of fishing/diving boats anchoring in the protected waters that surround the island. A family of Grey Nurse sharks inhabit the 'West End' of Rottnest making the area popular with tourist divers. Dive charter boats based in Perth make daily journeys to the island on a daily basis all year round.
| Facts about Crystal Palace (limestone caves) Rottnest Island. It is in Australia- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.