Underwater-Photoshop :: Photoshop :: Masks and Selections
Masks and Selections
It is worth examining the relationship between a
maskmasks can be attached to layers to protect areas from editing changes. Masks can be saved as alpha channels.
and a
selectiona selected area that allows editing changes. Areas outside a selection are protected. Hold Shift to add Option to subtract Ctrl + D to deselect and Ctrl + I to invert
As your Photoshop skills progress you will develop your own
workflowthe process from taking your digital images downloading them onto a computer and color managing them through to printing and archiving them
preferences for editing portions of your images.
Some of you will prefer selections others will prefer masks, you may even alternate depending
on the task in hand. However, in reality, masks and selections are so related they
are one and the same thing. Indeed you may consider a mask as a saved selection.

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