Underwater-Photoshop :: Photoshop :: Layers
Layers are a core feature of Photoshop. Layers not only allow us to blend separate
images into a new composite image; they also allow us to apply adjustments to our
images non-destructively.
The basic concept can best be explained as being similar to stacking overhead projection
gels on top of each other. Wherever there is writing or something opaque on one
of these gels it masks the layers beneath it. Wherever there is transparency the
layers beneath can show through. This is a simplification, in the digital world
we can even control the opacity of each individual layer to control blending even
Only certain file formats support the concept of layers. In Photoshop the file extension
is PSD. Other formats such as
JPEGThe Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format is widely used. It is a bitmap format commonly used to display photographs and other continuous-tone images in web pages on the Internet. JPEG retains all the color information in an RGB image but uses a compression scheme that reduces file size by discarding extra data not essential to the display of the image.
TIFFThe Tagged-Image File Format (TIF) is a bitmap format extensively used to exchange files between applications and computer platforms. It is found in most paint imaging and DTP programs. TIFF is a lossless full-color image file format.
are flat image file formats. In other words, what you see is all you’ve got!

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