Selecting the title font and colors
This page lets you choose the font and colors for your title or credits. By changing the font and colors, you can change the appearance of the title to enhance your movie.
The following options appear on this page.
Specifies the font face for the title. The list of fonts that appears depends on the fonts you have installed on your computer.
Click to apply bold formatting for the title text.
Click to apply italic formatting for the title text.
Click to apply an underline below the title text.
Font color 
Click to choose the font color for the title text. When choosing the font color, be sure to choose a color that contrasts with the selected background color so the title text can be seen in your movie.
Background color 
Click to choose the background color for the title in your movie. When choosing the background color, be sure to choose a color that contrasts with the selected font color so the title text can be seen in your movie.
Drag the slider to the left to decrease the transparency and make the title text is opaque and easy to read. Drag the slider to the right to increase the transparency and make the title text appear faded.
Increase font size 
Click to increase the font size for the title text.
Decrease font size 
Click to decrease the font size for the title text.
Position, align left 
Click to align text on the left side.
Position, center 
Click to align text in the center.
Position, align right 
Click to align text on the right side.
Edit the title text
Click to go to the Enter Text for Title page, and then type the new text for the title.
Change the title animation
Click to go to the Choose a Title Animation page, and then choose a new title animation.
- The formatting you choose for the title text is applied to the entire title, regardless of what text is selected on the Enter Text for Title page.
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