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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Australia

3167 Entries Found: Page 61  of  118
Extreme close up of a loggerhead turtle front flipper, taken on the beach at Heron Island, Australia. This lovely lady was laying her eggs below the high tide line, so I helped the park ranger lift her onto higher ground - turtles are HEAVY!!!
Ceratosoma amoena, Bare Island
Striped Frogfish (or Striped Anglerfish as we Aussies call them). Shot taken muck diving in Chowder Bay on the north shore of Sydney Harbour, Australia. Water temp a chilly 18 degrees - brrrr!!
Pineapple fish, Shiprock
Ceratosoma amoena, Bare Island
Crusing turtle
Blue-spotted Goatfish, Bare Island
Dolphin leap, early morning at the lighthouse, Byron Bay, Australia
Bardi boy with dinner smile a nice sized blue bone
Potato Cod with little yellow friend, Great Barrier Reef
You lookin' at me!! I was chasing a stingray and turned to this curious little blue bone.
35ft whaleshark ! This guy was heading in my direction so I took one shot and moved out of his way. I didn't see the sucker fish in it's mouth until I was looking back at the photos.
Rebreather diver on Deco
Town beach in Broome has this wonderful redy coloured sand so I got up at 6am one morning to take a photo of the beach before the sunbathers arrived. Canon ixus 700.
Hermit Crab, Shiprock
Wobygong or Carpet Shark
taken @ Christmas Island
Pteraeolidia ianthina
this is what sort of shot you get with a 105mm when a ws swims by
Grey nurse shark in the shark pit at Latitude Reef in Forster, NSW
Short-tailed nudi

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
It's red month for Brian!
Really like the way the light scatters for this shot.
Sepia apama, Kurnell
Spotted Wobbegong or Carpet Shark, sleeping and slowly digesting a former inhabitant of Port Noarlunga. ;-)
A juvenile Port Jackson Shark, resting before another session of terrifying the citizens of Blairgowrie, with it's poisonous dorsal spines. ;-)
Chromodoris loringi, Kurnell
3167 Entries Found: Page 61  of  118

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