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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Australia

3167 Entries Found: Page 111  of  118
Detail of Gorgonian Coral
Not quite sure what these two Bailer shells were up to but I have my suspicions, i maust have interuped them. The smaller of the 2( the male ?)almost ran off and had a definate skip in his step. Lefroy Bay Ningaloo Western Australia
Reef Shot from the Black Reef in the Whitsundays. Taken using the available light at the top of the reef with Nikon Coolpix 990 and UR Pro filter.
Never to young to start blowing bubbles!!
This is Jasper 9 months with his dad in the pool.

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Hey Jasper, are you going to be an underwater photographer when you grow up?
Painted Cray out and about, Bundegi reef, Exmouth. MX10 Wide Angle & Strobe.
Taking photos ...... another diver with the same image??
Close-up of a small Green Moray that was swimming around looking for a hole to hide in. This shot was taken with a Canon A620, no strobe, and at Port stephens, NSW.
Looks almost painted. Blizard ridge, Exmouth.
Mantis Shrimp, Blizard Ridge, Exmouth. Sea & Sea MX10 & strobe
Puffer Fish One Mile Jetty Cvon
Not sure exactly what this is. Taken at 'The Tunnel' off Black Rock at Batemans Bay at about 20 metres depth in May.
White tip reef shark at Navy Pier Exmouth
Minke Whale, photo taken on Ribbon Reef No 5 - Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Nikon D70, Nikon 10.5mm lens - no strobes.
Entrant for the Miss Nudi competition...She is from Busselton and is wearing a fetching orange polka dot dress with cute read but toxic tail. She enjoys crawling and eating blue sponge. If she had wish, it would of course be for World peace.
Ringeeye Dwarfgoby and Christmas Tree Worm. Photo taken with Nikon D70 and Nikonos SB105 strobes
"Sometimes I don't know if I'm comming or going".....Taken in poor visability at Navy Pier, Exmouth, WA. The Ikelite Pro Video-Lite not much good in these condtions so I angled it down and used the UR Pro filter as well.
Octopus with red boots from Tanker Jetty, Esperance, WA.
Nemo Found!!!!! - I didn't create this. I just wanted to share.
A Dusky Nembrotha Nudibranch from Exmouth, Western Australia. The red markings were really iredescent until I put my light on it. Taken using Nikon Coolpix 990, Ikelite housing and Pro II Video-Lite
School of fish at Steve's Bommie on the Ribbon Reefs.
Orange Starfish from Esperance, Western Australia, and NO it is not a gardening glove!
Frog fish One Mile Jetty Carnarvon Western Australia
looking straight back at ya, come in its nice down here .....Marlin Board and surface support Abrolhos WA
the end of the dive
Before snorkelling with Whalesharks at Ningaloo reef I did a dive and was found by this enormous Giant Grouper which swam directly infront of the sun for this shot.I consider the reefs of western Australia much more rewarding than the Barrier reef
Lion fish Sulawesi
Mr Grumpy .Frog Fish Navy Pier Western Australia
3167 Entries Found: Page 111  of  118

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