Underwater photo contest

Peoples' Vote

Mediterranean Monk Seal - Monachus monachus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
1 votes

Bubble coral shrimp_February 2025
(Canon EF100,1/200,f22,iso125)
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (5 days ago)
1 votes

Manta and Friends
By Rob Rogers
posted (5 days ago)
1 votes

Aeolid Nudibranch - Edmundsella pedata
By Stefanos Michael
posted (4 days ago)
0 votes

Barnacle blenny_February2025
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (3 days ago)
0 votes

Coral crab_February 2025
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
0 votes

About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote
forum latest Seacam seaflash 150
By John Knappers
Thursday, June 15, 2023
forum latest Great shot.
By Todd Moseley
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
forum latest Great shot.
By Todd Moseley
Monday, May 24, 2021
forum latest Nice shot
By Todd Moseley
Thursday, May 20, 2021
forum latest essaywritersllc
By JamesLevis
Friday, February 12, 2021

photo contest winner's medal

About the Contest

Underwaterphotography.com is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it.
Just look at some of the internationally acclaimed photographers who have launched their u/w photo careers here over the years.

Here are some useful links:
The Hall of Fame
The Rules
How to Win?
Recent Medal Winners

Annual Contest

Winning one of our medals is the reward for all the hard work you put in chasing those great shots in far-flung destinations. It's the most coveted prize because it says you succeeded in the most competitive environment there is, against the top talent of the moment.

Medals - The Judges are industry professionals who select gold, silver, and bronze medals in each of the categories below. Last Year's Medals Winners

Our List of Categories

World Champion - The contestant who has entered the most consistent images over the year will get the ultimate accolade. All of our trusted members send their nominations for world champion at the end of the year. Last Years World Champion and Grand Master

Grand Master: The contestant/s who have excelled in a particular field will be awarded Grand Master status.

The deadline for entries to the annual contest is December 31st. Winners are announced on February 1st.

Entries go through several rounds of judging. At the end of the year all our trusted members are asked to shortlist images. The final rounds are taken from this shortlist. The medals winners will be judged from the final round images according to the number of judges vote, editors choice and consult with industry professionals that are recruited to assist with the annual judging.

 If you get on the shortlist it is quite an achievement, even if you don't go forward. If you do progress to the later rounds you will be asked to provide hi-rez images. These are required for technical assessment. If hi rez images are not available at time of judging the entries will be disqualified.

* Keep your email address up to date and make sure we get through your Spam filters. Our emails always have our site URL in them. If you don't respond to our emails you will be disqualified.

Monthly Hotshots and Winners

A monthly hotshot is an entry that was shortlisted by 2 or more judges. The monthly winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd and Runner Ups) are chosen from this shortlist by our editor (no medals, just your name in lights for a month!). They are chosen according to the number of judges votes with some reference to the peoples votes and the editor's choice. It is no coincidence that many of the Hotshots end up in the annual awards! 

Weekly Winner

Every week, a weekly winner is chosen by one of our judges and is displayed throughout the whole week at the top of the contest page. The judges take turns weekly and have the freedom to choose any entry to be the weekly winner.

Peoples' Choice

You can vote for your favorite images using the vote link by each image (on the entry pages). The voting system is just there to give underwater photographers a bit of encouragement, a chance to gauge your efforts against others, and a bit of fun. Any entrant who spams or is suspected of spamming the votes will have all their images publically marked down. Voting is permitted for site members only to prevent spamming.


All entries are small files so you will ask for high-rez in Jan? If shortlisted and required by the annual judges

Image processing / cropping is allowed in every category? Yes, provided the result is realistic. There is a special category for edited images. Please state what techniques you have used as others may be interested

Are watermarks recommended? No, they can be detrimental to judging. However, you must balance this with the copyright protection issue...

Are borders allowed? Yes, but they can be detrimental to judging.

Intellectual Property

  Security We protect displayed images from casual copying in a variety of ways (disabling right clicks, using applets etc.). However, no one can stop the determined image thieves and we cannot be responsible for copyright infringements. Always remember that, once on the web an image can be copied. If you display it, it is on your computer - somewhere. This is why we only show low resolution files (max 850 pixels). Such sizes are not suitable for magazine publication. If you see images stolen, tell us. We'll work with you to gain satisfaction. Tick the copyright box on upload to stamp your name on the image. This alone will stop 90% of copying as most people do not realise that images on the web are not free!

All images on this site are the copyright of their respective owners. Do not steal them unless you want a big legal bill!

 You've read the rules Now read how to win our photo-contest!

 Image Specifications

Mac Users Only JPEG/JPG files can be accepted. The file name must have the .jpg extension included at the end.

File Size We do not want hi-rez files uploaded. Our server will timeout, thus wasting your time and ours - so resize images prior to entry.

Use Photoshop or some other image editing program to prepare your image before upload. Images should be maximum 850 pixels longest side.

Files are also resized by our server to...

  • conserve space on our server
  • for uniform display that is fair to all
  • to allow fast downloading!
      So there really is no point to large uploads...