photo photo contest© UnderwaterPhotography.comthe #1 u/w photo contest12/3/2024 9:21:32 AMPanagiotis Kornaros ! Thats a friend fishing with his boat.I was freediving at the area and ask him if i could take a picture and thats the result! I use a GoPro 11 with a dome.10/11/2024 9:04:00 AM ! Thats a friend fishing with his boat.I was freediving at the area and ask him if i could take a picture and thats the result! I use a GoPro 11 with a dome. Gedikoglu porcus It`s time to escape12/30/2023 1:19:00 PM porcus It`s time to escape Gedikoglu lividus SEA URCHIN12/30/2023 1:16:00 PM lividus SEA URCHIN Gedikoglu macropus EYE12/30/2023 1:10:00 PM macropus EYE Gedikoglu gattorugine What a speed that going out and going back during the exposure time (1/30 sec)12/30/2023 1:06:00 PM gattorugine What a speed that going out and going back during the exposure time (1/30 sec) Gedikoglu surmuletus MOTIONLESS12/30/2023 1:00:00 PM surmuletus MOTIONLESS Gedikoglu infundibulum PURPLE12/30/2023 12:53:00 PM infundibulum PURPLE Gedikoglu spallanzanii12/30/2023 12:49:00 PM spallanzanii Gedikoglu dermatogenys12/30/2023 12:46:00 PM dermatogenys Gedikoglu rubrolineata12/26/2023 11:00:00 PM rubrolineata