Top 10 latest video contest entries on UnderwaterPhotography.comen-us© Contest5/5/2024 10:46:50 AM1) Beverly Speed................. (106 votes)!7/26/20062) Rick Ouellette................ (105 votes) but deadly stonefish waiting in camo to ambush it's prey. came upon this fish at 65ft on a wall in Ulong Chanell in Palau,Micronesia.11/15/2009 7:42:00 PM3) Milla Chang................... (93 votes) FROGFISH (to 3cm) Olympus C-70702/21/2009 2:23:00 AM4) Rick Ouellette................ (91 votes) beautifull Nudibranchs in Yap Micronesia.Some of the Nudibranchs were more colorfull than the fish.Always the best subjects for posing for pictures.11/16/2009 7:05:00 PM5) Rick Tegeler.................. (89 votes), Catalina Island, California - Housed Nikon F, 55mm Auto Nikkor Lens3/21/20036) Philippe Brunner.............. (88 votes) / Indonésie2/9/20047) Marco Gargiulo................ (88 votes) mirabilis1/11/20128) Steve Kuo..................... (87 votes) and Red. Manado, Indonesia.12/27/2006 6:55:00 AM9) Claudia Weber-Gebert.......... (81 votes) 1:05:00 AM10) Adriano Trapani............... (80 votes) shot of coral and polips...2/4/2009 6:29:00 AM