Top 10 latest video contest entries on UnderwaterPhotography.comen-us© Contest5/17/2024 1:04:03 AM1) Michael James Sealey.......... (21 votes) RAY OF LIGHT. The sun has found it's way through the rock to illuminate this cave. The ray of light and reflections are natural light, I only used a flash to illuminate the caves ceiling.12/4/2012 3:02:00 AM2) Francesco Pacienza............ (19 votes) on nudi.3/20/2017 5:08:00 AM3) David Cothran................. (10 votes) octocoral, Paragorgia sp. photographed in Stromness Bay, South Georgia, where Sir Earnest Shackleton completed his heroic journey to find rescue for his men. This delicate species is fairly uncommon at the sites I dive.11/27/2009 12:37:00 PM4) Kate Jonker................... (10 votes) Octopus4/11/2016 5:18:00 AM