Top 10 latest video contest entries on UnderwaterPhotography.comen-us© Contest12/26/2024 11:38:10 AM1) Belinda Williams.............. (3 votes) Cove, Western Samoa10/30/2006 8:12:00 PM2) Belinda Williams.............. (2 votes) photo was taken at Tanu Beach, on the island of Savaii. It was one of the remaining beautiful sites in a decimated reef.10/11/2006 12:09:00 AM3) Belinda Williams.............. (2 votes) life in Savaii, Samoa.10/12/2006 12:53:00 AM4) Belinda Williams.............. (2 votes) cove near paradise. Swimming off of the island of Upulu, Samoa.10/14/2006 7:45:00 PM5) Belinda Williams.............. (2 votes) Reef11/5/2006 4:05:00 PM