
Irine Wiguno Profile

Irine Wiguno

I am from Indonesia
Member since: Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Canon 5dmk3 and canon g11... Been shooting under water since 2009. Bali is still the best dive sites for me. It provides both wide angel and macro opportunities and can cater any budgets.
U/W photographerU/W photographer

24 point member

My Contest Stats

I have 1 entries in the photo contest
Latest Entries...
click to go to the contest
entered Tuesday, April 28, 2015

CategoryNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
Wide Angle - Marine Life11010
totals 11010
Seas I have divedNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
totals 11010
Countries I have visitedNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
totals 11010
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