
Peter Restivo Profile

Peter Restivo

I am from United States
Member since: Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Sony P-9 & Nikon D-70
U/W photographerU/W photographer

32 point member

My Contest Stats

I have 1 entries in the photo contest
Latest Entries...
click to go to the contest
entered Thursday, December 30, 2010

CategoryNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
Wide Angle - Natural Light (no strobe)199
totals 199
Seas I have divedNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
totals 199
Countries I have visitedNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
United States199
totals 199

My Forum Posts

I have 1 forum posts

Recent Forum posts...
Posted: Saturday, January 21, 2012

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